Thomas Alva Edison - Black Projectors

Thomas Alva Edison
Thomas Alva Edison

Black Projectors 

On this occasion we will discuss about the movie projector is the inventor Thomas Alva Edison. Thomas Alva Edison was an American man, who was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, O'hio. Thomas managed to find a movie projector in 1893. Prior to discussing more about the invention of the movie projector, we will discuss a little about the life journey of Thomas.

In 1854, Thomas family moved to Port Huron, Michigan. Thomas worked as a teacher mother, his own mother taught Thomas at home. This is done because Thomas is considered as the student is left behind and no talent,  so little Thomas warned his teacher, if he can not learn in school, her mother realized that Thomas Alva Edison was a gifted child, and then her mother is determined to teach Thomas Alva Edison at home . Although only learn at home, Thomas has shown little curiosity in all things and eager to try everything. 

Black Inventors disc - Thomas Alva Edison

When Thomas Alva Edison was eleven years old, he had made a simple chemical laboratory built in the basement of his home. A year later, Thomas has managed to make a small telegraph were still primitive, but still usable. At the age of twelve years, Thomas worked as a seller of newspapers and candy on the train to collect the money used to finance all the trials that he did. In addition to selling on a train, in order to maximize his spare time, he asked the railroad company permission to set up a small laboratory in one of the train carriages, which will be used to conduct experiments Thomas and read literature when he was not selling.

In 1868 Thomas Alva Edison get a job as a telegraph operator in Boston, used his spare time to conduct engineering experiments and finally managed to find an electric intercom. Thomas gained the first patent for the electric vote recorder tool, but no etrtarik to buy such a device. In 1877 Thomas had found the phonograph, he was aware of such a light source is essential for human life. Thomas devote every thought, time and effort and money to spend $ 40,000 in two years to conduct experiments make a light bulb.

Thomas Alva Edison has managed to find a projector for small films in 1879. In 1882 he had installed electric lights in the streets and houses with a distance of 1 km in the city of New York, it is the first time that happened in the world, used electric lights on the streets. In 1890 Thomas founded a company General Electric. Thomas Alva Edison is also known as the inventor of the incandescent lamp.

Thomas contributed in the field of cinema, because he has combined photographic film that has been developed by George Eastman became the film industry who have menghaslkan millions of dollars as existing today. Thomas made ​​the Black Maria, which is a mobile film studio to be built on a rotating track. 

Thomas Alva Edison died on October 18, 1931 at the age of 84 years. On the day of his funeral, all Americans turn off their lights for one minute to give a last tribute to Thomas. History of Science has been noted when Thomas is one of the greatest inventors in the world with the discovery of 3000 amounted to invention. Thomas was awarded a special gold medal from the U.S. Congress.

Thus the explanation of the history of movie projector is the inventor Thomas Alva Edison. Hopefully he can inspire us to continue to strive without giving up, even though we are in the view of one eye by others. Since only the result of the work hard at that can answer all the ridicule and bad views of others towards us.
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