Comparison Between The Quality of Education Europe and Asia
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According to experts in the field of education stated comparison between Europe and Asia education stating that Europe is now starting to lag behind Asia education sector and the quality of its human resources.
The development of education in Europe, especially in France and Germany apparently far behind the development of the education sector in Asia. This was revealed from the results of a research study conducted at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Andreas Schleicher. For that he warned Europe to make a revolution in schools and university as well as fix the system classification refractive..
In their study results released on Monday (13/3), Schleicher writes, "At a time when almost the whole of Europe competing countries that offer skilled labor and low wages, has passed. Currently, countries such as China and India began to employ a workforce that has a high skill high wage anyway. situation has turned around. "
According to Schleicher, increasing funding for education, especially for high school and higher education, bringing better economic benefit not only for the individuals concerned but also the country as a whole.
He pointed to the 'miracle' that happened South Korea, a country that in the 1960 had a lower level of income compared with all countries in South America, now has a percentage of educated human resources is quite high, which is about 97 percent among the 25-34 age years. While the major countries in Europe such as England, France and Italy are trying hard to maintain its economy, while Germany actually has experienced economic downfall.
"France and Germany, which covers 36 percent of the 11.6 trillion economy of the European Union is now no longer be one of the leading countries in the world in a matter of skills and knowledge," said Schleicher.
In this regard, he also criticized the implementation of the class in the community as a barrier to the development of education and resources educated in Europe. "European Community who come from families with social and economic difficulties, do not get the same educational opportunities to those from upper middle class families. In many countries, the data showed that schools in Europe apply a different class based social and economic status, "he said.
Furthermore Schleiler revealed, those who come from wealthy families had four times greater chance for higher education. In addition, educators in European countries also do not want to change the way they educate as recommended by the researchers. "Education in Europe evolved as industry, isolated as the educators and build their own way outdated," wrote Schleicher.
To change this, he gave five recommendations on Europe. European countries according to him, had to build a network of educational institutions are free to meet demand and accountability guaranteed. Access to schools should be improved and encourage financing from public and private sectors. Universities, must make strategic changes that are tailored to the development of modern management, meaning that universities should be managed by a board and not just by academics alone.
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