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Plato |
Plato's teachings on ethics more or less said that the man in her life has a purpose in life is good, life is good and this can be achieved in the policy. He remained in favor of the Ancient Greek ideals of life as a human is simultaneously also means living in the policy, he denied that the state is only based nomos / customs and not the physis / nature. Plato was never in doubt in the belief that human beings are by nature social beings, humans by nature thus live in a polis or state. According to Plato states formed on the basis of the interests that are economically or mutual need between citizens then there is a specialized field of work, because not everyone can do all the work at one time. This state policy or possible existence of regional growth due to population growth and the need was increased to allow for the expansion of the war in this.
In the face of this it is in every country should have the guards to be specially trained.
There are three groups in both countries, namely first, Class A guard that is none other than the philosopher who already know a good ?? ?? and leadership entrusted to them. Secondly, Maid or Soldier. And third, Group workers or farmers who bear the economic life of the entire policy. Plato is not so concerned with the basic laws of a general nature, because he thinks the situation changing constantly and it is difficult to generalize rules averaged it all depends on the community that is in the policy. As for the state proposed by Plato in the form of democracy with monarchy, because monarchy if only it would be too much tyranny, and if it is too democratic it will be too much freedom, so it should be a merger, and the country is based on agriculture instead of trade. This is intended to avoid the fate that occurred in Athens.
The characteristics of Plato's works
Is Socratic
In the works written in his youth, Plato always show personality and a bouquet of Socrates as the main topic of the essay.
Shaped dialogue
Almost all the works of Plato written in the tone of the dialogue. In Letter VII, Plato argues that the pen and ink froze true thoughts written in letters silent. Therefore, according to him, if the thought it needs to be written, it is the most suitable form of writing dialogue.
The existence of those myths
Plato used myths to explain the abstract teachings in the mundane.
Verhaak classify the writings of Plato into literature instead to the systematic scientific work because the last two characteristics, namely the writings contained in the form of myths and dialogue.
Plato's view of the ideas, and the idea of the World sensory world
Plato's most important contribution was his view of the idea. Plato's view of the ideas influenced by the views of Socrates on the definition. Idea is meant by the idea that Plato was not intended by the modern people. Modern people think the idea is an idea or a response that is in the mind alone. According to Plato's idea was not invented by the human mind. Idea does not depend on human thinking, but the human mind is dependent on the idea. Idea is basic and prime image of reality, nonmaterial, eternal, and unchanging. Idea already exists and stands alone outside of our thinking. These ideas are related to one another. For example, the idea of the two paintings can not be separated from the idea of two, two idea itself can not be separated with the idea even. However, in the end there is the highest peak in the relationship between these ideas. The peak is called the idea of a "beautiful". This idea goes beyond any existing idea.
Sensory world
Sensory world is the world which includes physical objects are concrete, which can be perceived by our senses. Sensory world is nothing but a reflection or shadow than ideal world. Always there is a change in this sensory world. Everything contained in the physical world is transitory, can be damaged, and may die.
World Idea
The world's idea is that we are only open for the ratio. In this world there is no change, all ideas are eternal and can not be changed. There is only one idea of "good", "beautiful". In the world of ideas everything was perfect. This not only refers to the rough stuff that can be held, but also the concepts of mind, the result of intellectual fruit. Let's say that the concept of "virtue" and "truth".
Plato's view of the Art and Beauty
Plato's view of the Work of Art
Plato's view of the artwork is influenced by his views on the idea. His attitude towards the artwork is very clear in his Politeia (Republic). Plato negative view artwork. He considered works of art as mimesis mimesos. According to Plato, the artwork is simply a clone of the existing reality. Reality that there is an imitation (mimesis) of the original. The original is contained in the idea. The idea is far superior, better, and more beautiful than this real.
Plato's view of beauty
Plato's understanding of beauty that influenced his understanding of the world of sense, which is contained in the Philebus. Plato argues that the real beauty lies in the world of ideas. He believes that simplicity is the hallmark of beauty, both in the universe and in works of art. But, still, the beauty that is in this universe is simply false and beauty is beauty at lower levels.
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