Understanding the science of psychology
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Psychology is the science which studies human behavior and
mental processes. Psychology is a branch of science that are young or
adolescent. Therefore, at the beginning of psychology is part of the philosophy
of the human soul. According plateau in General Psychology book by Kartini
Kartono in 1996, psychology means the science that studies the nature, essence,
and life of the human soul (psyche = soul; logos = science).
The soul is literally derived from the Sanskrit word jiv, which means the living body (levensbeginsel), or life force (levenscracht). Therefore the soul is an abstract notion, can not be seen and can not be fully and clearly disclosed, then people are more likely to learn "soul weld" or symptoms of "heart and soul / body", which is a form of human behavior (all activities, deed, grooming) throughout his life. Therefore, psychology takes centuries to break away from the philosophy of science.
The words of the behavior / actions to have a broad understanding
of all. That includes not only motor activity just like talking, walking,
jogging, exercise, move, etc., but also discuss the various functions such as
seeing, hearing, remembering, thinking, fantasy, reintroduction, emotional
appearance role in the form of tears, smiles and lai-other.
Thinking activities and walking is an activity that is
active. Each appearance of life can be called as an activity. Someone who is
silent and listen to music or watch television the center can not be said
passive. Then have a situation where absolutely no element of liveliness,
called dead.
In essence, it concern themselves with psychological
problems psychological activities, such as thinking, learning, respond, love,
hate and others. Various kinds of psychic activity is generally divided into
four categories, namely: 1) recognition or cognition, 2) a feeling or emotion,
3) willingness, 4) a mixture of symptoms.
But should not be forgotten, that every psychic activity /
psychic that at the same time is also a physical activity / physical. In all of
our physical activity, the brain and the feeling is always come into play; also
sensory organs and muscles take part in it.
Probing the human organs is classified in physiology. That is researching the role of every organ in the life functions such as researching everything about the eye, when subjects could see and also examines the influence of the brain to coordinate the actions of individuals to adapt to its environment. If all the functions of many organs and behavior described by
physiology, the scientific field of psychology is it necessary?
Physiology explains various outward behavior that is physical. Human being is a physical and spiritual totality. All forms of impulse and impulse in man that causes a variety of physical and mental activity, is explained by psychology. For example, if someone put a sense of high spirits, when he was facing a specific problem then he will want to respond to the problem to solve it with a passion.
Hopefully the article "Understanding the science of
psychology" can be useful, and look forward to our next articles.
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