International Business

International Business
International Business
International Business
International business is a business activity that is carried past the boundaries of a State. This is a business transaction such as international business transactions. The business transactions conducted by a State to another State that is often referred to as International Business (International Trade). On the other hand the business transaction was conducted by a company in one way or the State with other companies or individuals in other countries called International Marketing or International Marketing. International marketing this is usually interpreted as International Business, although there are basically two meanings. So we can distinguish the presence of two International Business transactions are: 

a. International Trade
          In terms of international trade transactions between the State it is usually done in the traditional way is by way of exports and imports. With the export and import transactions that will arise "Inter-State Trade Balance" or "Balance of Trade". A State may have a trade surplus or deficit Its trade balance. The trade balance showed a surplus of circumstances in which the State has a greater export value compared to the value of imports from the country conducted its trading partners. With the trade balance surplus is then another when the circumstances are constant, the cash inflows to the country it would be bigger with the release of the cash flow to the trading partner countries. The size of the cash flow in and out across the country is often referred to as the "balance of payments" or "Balance of Payments". In this case the balance of payments surplus is often also said that the country is experiencing Added Foreign Countries. Conversely, if the state was experiencing balance of trade deficit, the mean value of imports exceeds the value of exports that can be done with other State. Thus, the country will experience a balance of payments deficit and will face a reduction of the State Foreign Exchange. 

b. International Marketing
          International marketing is often referred to as International Business (International Busines) is a state in which a company may engage in business transactions with other countries, other companies or the general public abroad. International business transactions is generally an attempt to market their production overseas. In such a case the employer would be free of trade barriers and tariffs because there is no import export transactions. With the inclusion of direct and carry out production and marketing activities in a foreign country does not happen then the export and import activities. The products are marketed not only in the form of goods but can
also in the form of services. International business transactions of this sort can be done in various ways, among others: 
- Licencing 
- Franchising 
- Management Contracting 
- Marketing in Home Country by Host Country 
- Joint Venturing 
- Multinational Coporation (MNC) 

All of the above forms of international transactions will require payment transactions are often referred to as Fee. In the case of the State or the Home Country must pay while the sender or the Host Country will receive the payment. 
Definition of international trade with international companies often confused or often considered the same, but as we saw in the description above was indeed different. The main difference lies in the treatment where internasinol trade conducted by the State while the international marketing is an activity undertaken by the company. Besides determining international marketing business activity more active and more progressive than in international trade. 

Reasons for Implementing International Business 
Some of the reasons for carrying out international business such as: 
1. Specialization among nations 
In connection with certain powers and their advantages or disadvantages that a State should determine the strategic choice to produce a strategic commodity, namely: 
a. Utilizing maximum force was actually the most superior so it can produce more efficient and the cheapest among other countries. 
b. Focus on commodities that have the smallest weakness among other countries 
c. Concentrating his attention to producing or controlling commodity that has a weakness for the country's highest. 

• Excellence absolute (absolute advantage) 
          A country can be said to have an absolute advantage if the country holds a monopoly in the production and trade of these products. This will be achieved if there is no other country that can produce these products so that the state becomes the only producer that is generally caused due to its natural conditions, such as mining, agriculture, forestry, agriculture and so on. In addition to natural conditions, the absolute advantage can also be obtained from a country that is able to produce a commodity the cheapest among the countries other. The advantages of this kind will generally not be able to last long because of technological advances will quickly overcome way more efficient production and lower costs. 

• Comparative advantages (comparative advantage) 
          The concept of comparative advantage is a concept that is more realistic and widely available in International business. That is a situation in which a country has a higher ability to offer these products compared to other countries. Higher ability in offering a product that can be realized in various forms, namely: 
a. Costs or a lower bid price. 
b. Superior quality though more expensive. 
c. Continuity of supply (Supply) better. 
d. Business relations and political stability are good. 
e. The availability of support facilities such as better training facilities and transportation. 

          A state will generally concentrate to produce and export commodities which he has a comparative advantage and then import the best commodities where they have comparative advantage ugliest or greatest weakness. The concept will be able to take a look at the clear and evident when we try to examine the trade balance of our country (Indonesia), for example. Of the trade balance that we can see what we export commodity is a commodity that has a comparative advantage for Indonesia and we import our comparative advantage is the weakest. 
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