Business Definition According to the Experts

Business Definition According to the Experts
Business Definition According to the Experts
Business Definition According to the Experts
In general definition of business cited by business experts tend to be the same, business is business activities are organized to produce goods or services to meet customer needs. And aims to make a profit, which is then used for business advantage.

1. Griffin and Ebert (1996)

"Business is all Reviews those activities Involved in providing the goods and services needed or desired by the people". In this sense as a business activity that provides goods or services required or desired by the consumer. Can be done by corporate organizations that have a legal entity, a company that has business entities, and individuals who do not have the legal entity or entities.

2. Huat, T Chwee (1990)

Business in the broadest sense is a general term that describes all the activities and institutions that produce goods and services in everyday life. Business as a system that produces goods and services to satisfy the needs of the community (business then simply a system that produces goods and services to satisfy the needs of our society).

3. Allan Afuah (2004)

Business is the organized effort of individuals to produce and sell for a provit, the goods and services that satisfy needs societies. The general terms of business refer to all Reviews such Efforts within a society or within an industry. That business is an individual business activities organized to produce and sell goods and services in order to gain advantage in meeting the needs of the community and in the industry. People who seek money and time to take the risk in running a business called Entrepreneur.

4. Glos, Steade and Lowry (1996)

Business is a set of activities undertaken to create a way to develop and transform various power cracked into goods or services that consumers want.

5. Musselman and Jackson (1992)

An activity that meets the needs of society and the economy and the company is organized to engage in these activities.

6. Hughes and Kapoor

Business is organized effort to produce and sell for in profit, then the goods and services that businesses need public Excellent general term referring to all these efforts in a community or industry. Meaning of Business is an individual business activities organized to produce and sell goods and services in order to gain advantage in meeting the needs of the community and in the industry. People who make money and time to take a risk in running a business called Entrepreneurs.

7. Steinford (1979)

Business is all the activities involved in providing goods and services that are needed or desired by people. In this sense as the business activities that provide goods or services that are required or desired by the consumer. Can be done by a company that has a legal entity organizations, companies that have a business, and individuals who do not have legal entities and companies such as street vendors, stores that do not have permit- (AIS) and the Business Location Permit (License) and other informal businesses.

8. Brown and Petrello (1976)

Business is an institution that produces goods and services demanded by the people. This means that the business is an institution that produces goods and services needed by the community. If the needs of the people increased, the agency will also improve the business also developed to meet these needs, while benefit.

9. Prof.L.R.Dicksee

That business is a form of activity that is primarily intended for the benefit for those who seek or are interested in the occurrence of the event.

10. Mc Naughton

business sense is the exchange of goods, money or services for mutual advantage.

11. Prof. Owen

That the business is a corporation associated with the production and distribution of goods for sale to the market or the price on each service.

12. Urwick and hunt

that business is all companies that make, distribute, or provide any goods or services required by other community members as well as willing and able to purchase or pay for it.

Business is an organization that sells goods or services to consumers with the aim of gaining profit. The word comes from the English business that business. From the base plugs which means "busy" busy in terms of activity and profitable work, and please also read the article Human Resource Planning
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