Explanation About The CalculusPart II
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Isaac Newton |
During the same time in Lincolnshire, Newton also developed the basic principles of calculus. As various discoveries in the fields of science, Newton's discovery of the calculus is driven by the need to be able to explain concepts such as motion and acceleration in a way that is less complicated than that given by the geometric proofs. The development of calculus proved to be very useful for the formulation of Newton's three laws of motion and his law of gravitation and their application to the study of the movement of the planets around the sun. Newton discovered that the laws of motion and law of gravity must both be taken into account in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the workings of the solar system. Planets orbit around the sun is "a geometric entity that changes each time the same planets revolve around the sun" * while the "laws of motion describe the instantaneous change in the motion of the planets in their orbits at any time." † As a planet hurtles through space around the sun, the state of motion changes continuous in both directions due to its orbital path and its distance from the sun is constantly changing. (Remember that the planets move in elliptical - not circular -. Circling the Sun) Because the planet's orbit is not a perfect circle, Newton had to grapple with the fact that the gravitational force is given by the sun moves the planets will change continuously, which in turn will change the movement planet. Both the direction and speed of movement of the planets will adjust continuously to accommodate or accommodate fluctuations in the force exerted by the gravitational field of the sun on the planet.
Newton's genius was to see that if he could determine both the position of the planets relative to the sun and its movement at any given moment, it would be possible for him, using the law of gravity and the laws of motion (which gives the rate of change of planetary motion at any time), to calculate the position and the movement of planets similar to a very small interval of time later. He can then repeat this calculation over and over again like the other planets are constantly moving around the sun, until he had to get a complete picture of the planet's orbital path. Newton thus playing the role of people trying to fit together a giant puzzle where each piece expresses the rate of change in orbit at all times and throughout the puzzle, once assembled, will reveal the full orbital path of the planet.
He realized that he could conclude "that orbits a planet in this way if he could reveal the instantaneous rate of change of the position and motion of the planets at any time in terms of the forces acting on it at the time (which is also changed.)" * Newton called this change " fluxions "; This term is a common word used to express a certain amount of variation in such motion. He will represent the change in the amount specified by placing a dot above the symbols that represent the quantity that indicates that it will vary from time to time. If the planet is at some distance r from the sun, for example, then Newton will reveal the rate of change of r by placing a dot above r; if the planet is moving at some speed v at a given time, then the rate of change of v will be the same expressed by v
Before we move further into the mud, we need to step back and try to appreciate the scope of the duty of Newton, may not be aware of, being at the time he began to compose calculus. A German mathematician Felix Klein once said calculus that "every person who understands the subject will agree that even be the basis of a scientific explanation of nature is understandable only to those who have studied at least the elements of the differential and integral calculus ..." Sentiment Klein has echoed by many other scientists and mathematicians because there is no other branch of mathematics that is sufficient to examine the rate of change. Indeed, "it is impossible to assess and interpret the interdependence of physical quantities in the form of algebra and geometry course, it is not possible to continue beyond the simple phenomenon observed only with the help of mathematical tools." * Kasner and Newman, in particular, calculus considers both as a "cement" and "apply" to any modern physical theory that wants to build a theory about one of the dynamic features of the universe.
Of course, this opinion will show that the calculus enjoys a unique position in the hierarchy of mathematics because they do not deal with change and rate of change. If we take a single snapshot of our universe, forever freezing in time, then we would not have a need for a tool like calculus because there will be no movement in the universe and, therefore, no need to analyze the rate of change. In a universe as we will discover that algebra and geometry will be sufficient for our purposes because they are essentially static. Euclid, for example, which has been unfairly maligned by generations of math students to make classical geometry, offers a number of axioms which shows that how points, lines, and planes can be built in three-dimensional space is infinite. But the work of Euclid essentially unchanged overlay where the perfect geometric construction is superimposed on a noisy, dirty, imperfect world we experience every day. It was frozen in time, similar to a picture of a picture of our universe. Therefore, Euclidean geometry does not have a dynamic quality because it does not take into account the concept of change.
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