The period of Islamic power in Spain

The period of Islamic power in Spain, Power of islam
The period of Islamic power in Spain
Mosque of cordoba spain
Since the first Muslim set foot in the area of ​​Spain until the fall, Islam has a very important role in the development and large Muslims. Islam in Spain triumphed and reigned for seven and a half centuries and it is a very long time to develop Islam. According to Dr. Badri Yatim, the long history of Islam in Spain can be divided into several periods.

1. The first period (711-755M)
In this period, Spain was ruled by the trustees who are appointed by the Umayyads based in Damascus. In this period of political stability the country has not achieved perfect Spanish, various disturbances still occur either from outside or from within.
Disorders that come in the form of a dispute among the ruling elite. In addition, there are differences between the caliph in Damascus, and the governor of North Africa, based in Kairawan. The interference coming from outside that the arrival of the remnants of the enemies of Islam in Spain who live in mountainous areas.

2. The second period (755-912 AD)
In this period Spain under Abbasid rule in Baghdad. The first is the Amir Abdurrahman I were entering Spain, in 138 AH / 755 AD and was named Abdurrahman ad-Dakhil. Abdurrahman ad-Dakhil is a descendant of the Umayyad dynasty who managed to escape from the Abbasids when the Abbasids conquered the Umayyads in Spain.
In this period, the Muslims began to make progress, both in the field of politics or civilizations. Islam at that time began to experience growth that is so fierce and able to expand its territory in the area of ​​Spain. Abdurrahman ad-Dakhil cordova establish mosques and schools in major cities in Spain.

3. The third period (912-1013 AD)
In this period lasts from the government of Abdurrahman III is titled "An-Nasir" until the advent of the kings of the group (al-Muluk thawaif). During this period, Spain was ruled by the ruling caliph. During this period, Muslims in Spain reached the peak of progress and kejaaan that rival Abbasids in Baghdad daulah. An-Nasir Abdurrahman established the University of Cordoba. The library has hundreds of thousands of books. At this time, the public can enjoy high welfare and prosperity.
Abdurrahman III is a very, very old king who reigned 50 years. 50 years he defended the kingdom which his ancestors had been established. The reign of Abdurrahman III is a very glorious period in the history of Arab Spain. All the uprising in quench, put together a split put back together, wipe disputes. At the time of Abdurrahman III, Islam has been able to retain power in Spain Arabic. He also left a large footprint in the history not only in the Iberian peninsula, but also throughout Europe.
After the caliphate Abdurrahman III, followed by his son, Al-Hakam II (961-976 AD) and son Al-Hakam II, Hisham II (976-1009 AD). However, when Hisham occupy leadership in the age of 11 years is the beginning of the destruction of the Umayyads in Spain. Until the year 1013 AD, Spain has been divided into smaller states based in certain cities.

4. The fourth period (1013-1086 AD)
At this time Spain was fragmented into several small states centered in certain cities. Even in this period Spain was split into more than 30 countries under the rule of small kings group or Al-mulukuth Thawaif centered in a city like sevilla, Cordoba, Taledo and so on.
During this period, Muslims in Spain back into the internal conflict. Ironically if it was a civil war, there amongst the warring parties were asked for help from the Christian kings. However, even if so, continues to thrive on the intellectual life of this period. The palaces encourage scholars and writers to get protection from the palace to another palace.

5. The fifth period (1086-1248 AD)
In this period of Islam in Spain although still divided in several countries, but there is a dominant force that marurabithun dynasty (1086-1143 AD) and muwahhidin dynasty (1146-1235 AD):

a. Almoravid dynasty
Almoravid dynasty at the beginning was a strong religious movement founded by Joseph large bin Tasyfim in Marocco, North Africa. In the year 1062 AD he succeeded in establishing a kingdom centered in Marakesh. And finally, Islam can enter Spain and can be mastered. In a further development, the dynasty led by weak rulers resulting in Saragossa region can be controlled by the Christians in 1118 AD In 1143 AD, this dynasty was replaced by the Almohads dynasty.
b. Almohads Dynasty
This dynasty centered in North Africa founded by Muhammad ibn Tumart. At this time the stand has two small kingdoms which were strong in the State Balansia (Valencia) and Marsiah (Marcia). This dynasty came to Spain under the leadership of Abd-al-Moneim. This dynasty had a lot of progress in which important Muslim cities namely Cordova, Almeria, and Granada fell under his control. However Almohads dynasty suffered a setback where in 1212 AD, the Christians managed to gain a victory at Las Navas de Tolesa. In such circumstances Muslims are not able to withstand the attacks of great Christian. 1238 M Cordova fell into the hands of Christian rulers and Seville fell in 1248 AD Almost all regions of Spain Islam escape from the hands of Islamic rulers.

6. Sixth period (1248-1492 AD)
In this period a just ruling dynasty granada below or fortune Nasriyah Ahmar (1232-1492 AD). This dynasty who founded the palace in the city of Granada Alhambara tu. Progress of civilization back as in the days of An-Nasir Abdurrahman. However, the political dynasty was the last defense in Spain ended in a dispute over the palace for power. Abbdullah Muhammad was not pleased to appoint her father because her other son became king in his stead. He rebelled and tried to seize power. In the rebellion, his father was killed and replaced by Muhammad bin Sa'ad. Abu Abdullah then turned to Ferdinand and Isabella to drop it. The two rulers of this Christian can defeat the legitimate authority, and Abu Abdullah ascended to the throne.

Ferdinand and Isabella finally unite the two major Christian kingdoms of Aragon and Castillia the country through marriage. Once united, they unite fighting force in the kingdom of Granada in 1492 AD However, in the end they fight back against the power of Abu Abdullah. Abu Abdullah has no power to resist the attacks of the Christian ruler of Abu Abdullah and eventually lost in the war. Abu Abdullah finally handed power to Ferdinand and Isabella, while Abu Abdullah moved to North Africa.

With the fall of Bani Ahmar, Islamic rule in Spain ended in 1492 AD until only remnants are then forced by the popes in Rome to embrace Christianity. Thus, there is a Christian; reluctantly embraced, there are killed and there are still remains of his ancestors embraced by stealth. In 1609 AD, virtually no more Muslims in this region. Even though Islam has triumphed and reigned there for nearly seven and a half centuries.
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