A Brief History of Citizenship
History of Citizenship
Civics |
Civics is a branch of political science that addresses the rights and obligation of a citizen, etymologically the word politics is derived from the Greek policy which can be interpreted as " city-state " of the said policy was later revealed to be said Polites ( citizens ) and politikos a name properties can be defined citizenship (Civics), politike techne is to finesse the political and politico episteme for political Science. Furthermore, the Romans took over the Greek word that is called knowledge of the state (government) or Ars Politica defined a finesse of the affairs of state.
As we read in the Dictionary Of Education Explaining that Civics is an element of political science or branch of political science that contains the rights and obligations of citizens. In the course of Civics was introduced in 1790 in the United States in order to liberate thinking Americans or famous Theory Of Americannazation. As according to Hendri Randall Waite ( 1886 ) states that Civics ( Citizenship Studies ) is a science that discuss human relationships with:
1. Man in the organized gatherings ( the Organization of Social, Economic, Political )
2. Individuals with the state.
According to Stanley E Dimon (1986 ) he states that the country of citizenship can be interpreted both narrowly covering the legal status of which discuss aspects of the functions of politics, elections, government organizations, officials of government agencies, as well as rights - hk legal and liability. While broadly include personal dasicabel qualités ie one's personal qualities. According Edomson that Civics is the study of government ( goverment ) and wagra countries covering -kewajian obligations, rights and privileges of citizens. From the description above, it can be concluded that the Citizenship Science is a science which deals with the rights and duties of a citizen at large.
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